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3 Tips for Success

3 Tips for Success

Everyone strives for success in life. The definition of success may differ from person. Some may be aiming for little, some for more and some may aim for a lot.
"Don't aim for success if you want it; Just do and love what you believe in, and it will come naturally."- David Frost
There is great depth in this quote. Love whatever you do. Believe in what you do. Be passionate about what you believe in. Success will come naturally.
There are three characteristics that stand out in successful men. Anyone who wants success in life must have these traits in them. They make a person achieve their goals naturally. These are commitment, sincerity and hard work.


Commitment to ones beliefs is the most important trait we must possess. One must be committed to what we do. Many a dream lies shattered because of a lack of commitment. Everything we do must be with commitment. Whether it is our career or relationship. It is like a pillar that supports success. Plan your success story and be committed to it. Your commitment will ensure that you will walk firmly on the way regardless of the hurdles or obstacles that may come in the way.
"Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality."- Abraham Lincoln


The second trait one must possess is sincerity. Sincerity is your truthfulness to your dreams and purpose. No matter what, always stay true to what you have committed to. Sincerity will be rewarded. It is a strong characteristic that shows its presence in the work that we do. It displays our commitment to our cause and opens the doors of success to us.
"Sincerity and truth are the basics of every virtue."- Confucius

Hard work

Once you have the commitment and the sincerity, the natural outcome is hard work. Success depends on how much effort we are willing to put in. We will have to make a decision of the time and hard work we are going to put in. Our level of willingness to work hard must surpass all limits. This will lead to a consistent and persistent effort towards our goals. That is turn will take us close to success... one step at a time.
"Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it."- Napoleon Hill.
Once we have a goal in life, we must start working on acquiring the three characteristics. These should be part of our character. Once they are part of our character, we become the person that success comes to.
Oscar Wilde put it very aptly. He quoted, "Success is like science; if you have the conditions, you get the result."


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