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Showing posts from April, 2020

Distanced from World... Nearer to God

These thoughts take off from where I left off in my previous article 'My Life in the time of Social Distancing'. So if you have not read the previous article, I urge you to read it. Like the previous one, this is also from my heart to yours. Hence, I seek your pardon in case of spelling and grammatical errors. My thoughts are racing faster than I can type. We are all keeping our distance from the world outside. Locked up in our homes, fear grips us when we think of the pestilence that threatens our very existence. We are terrified about the economic backlash that is about to come (it has already come upon many of us). We grope as if in darkness. We wonder if there will be light in the darkness? " weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. " Psalm 30:5 This wonderful verse from the Holy Bible gives me hope. It reminds me of a dawn that will bring God's light to this world. It reminds me to endure the darkest moments of t