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5 W's of Wisdom

5 W's of Wisdom The most prized possession one could ever have is wisdom. Wisdom is the source of all good things that you can imagine. You may want fame and fortune. Or you may want to enjoy great relationships. One who has wisdom knows the way to true happiness. It is not a wonder that King Solomon asked wisdom from God. He could have asked for wealth, fame and fortune. He was blessed with everything else that one can ever imagine. Wisdom comes from asking the right questions. Here are five questions that will help. Wisdom starts with the letter W. All five questions also start with W. Who to look up to? All wisdom has to come from some source. The best source one can find is God himself? The Bible tells us in Proverbs 9:10- "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom." The root Hebrew word which has been translated fear means deep reverence. This is a line worth memorizing. One of attributes of God is unlimited wisdom. He knows the e

3 Tips for Success

3 Tips for Success Everyone strives for success in life. The definition of success may differ from person. Some may be aiming for little, some for more and some may aim for a lot. "Don't aim for success if you want it; Just do and love what you believe in, and it will come naturally." - David Frost There is great depth in this quote. Love whatever you do. Believe in what you do. Be passionate about what you believe in. Success will come naturally. There are three characteristics that stand out in successful men. Anyone who wants success in life must have these traits in them. They make a person achieve their goals naturally. These are commitment, sincerity and hard work. Commitment Commitment to ones beliefs is the most important trait we must possess. One must be committed to what we do. Many a dream lies shattered because of a lack of commitment. Everything we do must be with commitment. Whether it is our career or relationship. It is like a pillar that su